
The Unscripted Blog by Ben Coakley looks at the lighter side of pharmacy ownership.  By sharing humorous stories, pharmacy jokes and other whacky tales, we hope to bring a smile to your day and a little more joy to your work. If you have any humorous stories or jokes you would like to share with your fellow pharmacy owners, please submit them here. riley@waypointus.com

Pharmacy Owners: How Much Time Do You Spend on You?

Posted by Benjamin Coakley on Jun 12, 2017 6:00:00 AM


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Topics: community pharmacy owners, pharmacy owner time management, community pharmacies

Finding Life Harmony for Community Pharmacy Owners

Posted by Benjamin Coakley on Aug 10, 2016 11:58:44 AM

We hear all the time that you must find balance in your life. The more and more I think about this, the more and more I don't like the word balance. I do not think it accurately reflects what is possible in the real world. The reason for this is because someone asked me the other day what I would do if I found out someone in my immediately family had a terminal illness. I then asked myself would I work as much as I do now? Would I dedicate as much time to my social life as I do now? Or, would I want to spend as much time as possible with my loved one? We all know what the answer should be in this series of questions.

What this person was asking me meant is would family be more important than work or social at that point in your life? The answer for most people would be yes. This means that your family life would be weighted more than the other areas of your life. This is the exact opposite of balance. Balance insinuates that everything is equally weighted in your life all the time. There is no way this is possible. Not only is the above situation plausible, there are an infinite number of scenarios that can cause one area to be more important than another.

So let's all agree to stop using the word balance and start using the word harmony. Harmony means that as things ebb and flow, we consistently keep the right perspective. It means that we know things are out of whack sometimes and we need to work diligently to get them back to "Homeostasis."

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Topics: community pharmacy, pharmacy owner time management

2 Guys, Fruit Flies, and Independent Community Pharmacy

Posted by Benjamin Coakley on Jul 14, 2016 10:56:22 AM

I recently got home from a two week trip/vacation and realized I forgot to take out the trash before I left. When I opened the lid to the trashcan to take the garbage outside, hundreds of fruit flies were unleashed like a biblical plague into my house.

Most of you probably know by now that we have a new associate with us. He is working closely with me as he learns the ropes of the pharmacy and retirement planning world. That means he is working in my office. We have been trying to work while combatting this army of fruit flies. We have deployed many different tactics: swatting, smashing, vinegar and dishsoap (Tyler told me this would work but I am still skeptical), opening the door and waving them out, and many others. NOTE: if you have any thoughts or ideas please let me know.

You are probably wondering why I am writing about this. There are some lessons that pharmacy owners can take from this unfortunate series of events.

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Topics: community pharmacy, community pharmacy owner, pharmacy owner time management