
The Unscripted Blog by Ben Coakley looks at the lighter side of pharmacy ownership.  By sharing humorous stories, pharmacy jokes and other whacky tales, we hope to bring a smile to your day and a little more joy to your work. If you have any humorous stories or jokes you would like to share with your fellow pharmacy owners, please submit them here. riley@waypointus.com

The Funny Side of Community Pharmacy (Cardinal RBC Edition)

Posted by Benjamin Coakley on Jul 27, 2016 1:05:11 PM

There used to be a program called the Wide World of Sports that came on when I was a child. We would all gather around the television to watch it because it had some of the most fascinating things we have ever seen. Then one day the producers took it to a whole new level: they released a bloopers edition.

These bloopers were designed to highlight the lighter/funnier side of sports. The premise was that sports are often too serious and competitive. They wanted to provide some humor in this serious world.

I think pharmacy is often like that. It is a world full of serious issues and complications, serious people, and sometimes serious insanity. A little humor every now and then can help us get through the long, hard days we experience in the pharmacy world. 

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Topics: community pharmacy, pharmacy funny, pharmacy humor